Category Archive: Strengths

The People You Try to Please Control You

The people you try to please control you and your organization. Customers drive organizations, you don’t. Drucker said, “The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.” You are all about… Continue reading

The Key that Unlocks Leadership

I’m consumed with power-packed brevity. Five words are better than thirteen. That sentence originally read, “If I can say something in five words rather than seven I’m excited.” Brevity by itself is meaningless,… Continue reading

Peter Drucker: Stop Focusing on What’s Wrong

You can learn a lot about a person in a short time. That’s how I feel about my conversation with Dr. Justin Menkes, bestselling author and executive assessment expert. Our call was briefly… Continue reading

The Leadership Secret

I love asking leaders to talk about tipping points in their lives – when their leadership trajectory started or shifted. Mike Howard’s leadership course found clarity when his manager at CIA took an… Continue reading

Personal Frailties and Leadership Credibility

Sharing failures exposes performance deficiencies. Sharing frailties, on the other hand, concerns personal behaviors. Done well, sharing frailties strengthens connections and enhances credibility. Done poorly it demoralizes others, undermines leadership, and hinders organizational success.… Continue reading

Not all weakness are the same

Waffles are uniquely tasty because of what they don’t have.  It’s the empty spaces that make them delightful. The empty spaces catch and hold sweet stuff like: butter, syrup, jam, or peanut butter.… Continue reading