One Thing All Outstanding Organizations Do

Aspiration is useless, on its own. You aspire to excellence, success, and fulfillment. Big deal. Who doesn’t? Aspiration apart from definition, method, and means is life lived by blind hope and dumb luck. Furthermore,… Continue reading

When Stepping Up Blows Up

Accepting challenges lifts careers. But, holding on to them destroys. Learn to challenge others as well as challenging yourself. Raise your hand and say, “I’ll take that on.” New challenges are opportunities. Challenges… Continue reading

The Secret to Defeating Manipulators

Don’t get played. Cowards, manipulators, and backstabbers encourage you to take risks so they don’t have to. They posture in shadows. Let others get dirty. They step into the light when it’s safe.… Continue reading

The Three Conversations that Follow Feedback

Three conversations follow negative feedback; excuse, denial, and/or tell-me-more. Excuse-conversations blame. Everyone who says, “It’s not my fault,” subtly or directly says, “I’m not responsible for my negative behavior, they are.” Excuses are… Continue reading

Start Fresh; Don’t Fix

Toddlers who stumble and fall aren’t broken; they need practice. Fixing is a backward-facing activity that centers on mistakes and weaknesses. Move forward; don’t fix. Leaders grow leaders. Developing isn’t fixing. Growth suggests… Continue reading

How to Find Your Passion and Change Your Life

Everyone says, “Follow your passion.” But what if you can’t find it? Find your passion; don’t wait for it to find you. Discontent: Pick the scab of dissatisfaction. Hidden passion often lurks under… Continue reading