The Best Use of Words

Successful leaders lift people; poor leaders drain them. You either bring vitality or you exhaust. Recently a leader from a Fortune 500 company that I’ve worked with reminded me of something I wrote.… Continue reading

How to Face the Challenges of Leadership

The purpose of leadership is to identify and create the future. If you want to lead, go somewhere and take someone with you. The challenge of leadership is helping people keep up. You… Continue reading

Tapping the Untapped Power of Power

Weak leaders struggle to gain power. Insecure leaders fear losing it. Power is good, it gets things done. Power is bad when it’s used to abuse and manipulate others for selfish ends. Essential:… Continue reading

On Unicorns and Fairy Dust

I’ve rejected the “savior-leader” model but still feel pressure to be one. Savior-leaders arrive on unicorns and solve problems by sprinkling fairy dust over people and organizations. Poof! Everything is magically fixed. Internal: Internal… Continue reading

The Secret to Adaptive Cultures

Have you noticed this hypocrisy in yourself or people in your organization? Out of one side of our mouths we say, “We love new ideas.” Out of the other we say, “We hate… Continue reading

Bad is Stronger than Good

If the world naturally drifted upward like hot-air balloons, leaders and leadership would be irrelevant. People wore rose colored glasses in the 60’s when they thought drugs and “free love” would create a… Continue reading