Category Archive: Accountability

How to Hold People Accountable when You’d Rather Eat a Worm

12 reasons holding people accountable is distasteful: You naturally pick up the slack when someone falls behind. You aren’t accountable to your own responsibilities. (Like holding people accountable.) It’s hard to begin something… Continue reading

How Negative Impulse Triggers Positive Response

Negative impulses are useful when they produce positive results. Redirect negative impulses toward positive actions. Great achievements emerge when negative impulses trigger positive responses. #1. Anger – Openness: Stop resisting anger. Use it… Continue reading

The Dreamer’s Dilemma is Dissatisfaction

Constant dissatisfaction sucks the life out of frustrated Dreamers. You can’t find energy and fulfillment and live in constant dissatisfaction. You’re not a leader if nothing is ever good enough. You’re an unhappy… Continue reading

5 Small Habits that Reform Jerk-Holes

Defeat comes in tiny steps. Jerk-holes usually become jerks slowly. You show up five minutes late for a meeting, but no one says anything. You lose your temper and like a toddler having… Continue reading

Bogus Self-Esteem and the Dangers of Shallow Praise

Whatever you do, don’t criticize or correct. You might damage someone’s self-esteem. (Sarcasm intended.) Bolstering, maintaining, and protecting self-esteem is the sacred cow of modern society. It’s a grievous evil to do anything… Continue reading

7 Ways to Overcome Distraction and Do What Matters

47% of the time you aren’t focused on what you’re doing.* You give yourself to trivialities when distraction governs your day. 7 ways to overcome distraction: #1. Establish “no respond” hours in your… Continue reading