Category Archive: Accountability

Solution Saturday: Avoid Less – Take Initiative More

The issues you avoid morph into future-crushing gremlins. A surprising suggestion: I suggested a negative project to a coaching client who wants to take initiative when issues are stressful. I prefer projects that… Continue reading

The Law of the Leech

Leechology should be a course in business school. If you’ve been around leadership very long, you know what it’s like to have someone sucking the life out of you and your team.  … Continue reading

Accountability as an Energy-Giving Experience

Be accountable if you want to hold others accountable. Think of accountability as having someone in the boat with you. Who rows with you? Shout your goals from the rooftop. Secrets protect. Accountability… Continue reading

Nearly 50% of Upper-Level Managers Avoid Holding People Accountable

46% of upper-level managers are rated “too little” on the item, “Holds people accountable … .” (HBR) You missed the point if accountability is: Coercing reluctance to do things it isn’t committed to… Continue reading

4 Ways to Lead Yourself into a New Year

Novices think leadership begins with others. Leadership is about others but it begins with you. Ask novice-leaders what needs to be done and their sentences begin with “they”. Novice-leaders complain about others rather… Continue reading

Secret Sauce Sunday: The Day My Leadership Journey Began

Secret Sauce Sunday’s are my opportunity to invite leaders who I respect to share ideas that have changed their leadership. This post is by Abe Klassen, President of MC3 Manufacturing in Ontario, Canada.  … Continue reading