Bringing contrasting qualities together

New York Time’s bestselling author, four-time entrepreneur, jazz musician, and creativity expert, Josh Linkner was not what I expected. Josh authored, “Disciplined Dreaming: A Proven System to Drive Breakthrough Creativity.” I expected a… Continue reading

“Yeah but’s” ruin celebrations

Your problem may be thinking about problems all the time. Good leaders Good leaders anticipate and prepare for challenges. To them, the next challenge is a grizzly storm on the horizon that needs… Continue reading

7 Ways to Fail and Maintain Credibility

Failing well enhances leadership credibility; failing poorly destroys it. “A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.” George Bernard Shaw Failures are inevitable.… Continue reading

Personal Frailties and Leadership Credibility

Sharing failures exposes performance deficiencies. Sharing frailties, on the other hand, concerns personal behaviors. Done well, sharing frailties strengthens connections and enhances credibility. Done poorly it demoralizes others, undermines leadership, and hinders organizational success.… Continue reading

Joe Tye: Finding his contribution Pt. 2

Joe Tye describes his past self as “substantially inauthentic and superficial.” (See Pt. 1) I think people who’ve found their soul can admit their superficiality. During the years of failure and struggle Joe… Continue reading

Joe Tye: Finding his contribution Pt. 1

Yesterday, I pulled notes out from my conversation with Joe Tye. I’ve held them back for weeks wondering how to write his story. I decided to just start. ***** With a chuckle, Joe… Continue reading