3 Reasons You’re on a Team that Sucks

Skill is not the best predictor of a team’s success.

Teams that suck waste time, drain energy, and squander resources. You’ve been there.

A team of average brains that works well together outperforms a group of big brains on a team that sucks.

Research shows three simple things transform teams.

A team of average brains that works well together outperforms a group of big brains on a team that sucks. Image of a blue brain.


The hope of teams is we are smarter together. Collective intelligence (CI) exceeds individual intelligence (IQ) when conditions are right.

CI is intelligence that emerges from the collaboration, collective efforts, and competition of many individuals and appears in consensus decision making.

3 reasons you’re on a team that sucks:

#1. Blabbermouths.

A blabbermouth at the head of the table makes teams dumb. A few team members who dominate create a team that sucks.

Conversational turn-taking is essential on high performing teams. Turn-taking means each member talks about as much as the other members, over time.

Effective turn-taking includes appreciation of individual expertise. An expert in a given area should contribute more when conversations focus on their area of expertise.

Team leader tips:

  1. Intentionally monitor and track participation.
  2. Prepare quiet members to contribute by assigning them a topic to present.
  3. Ask open questions to quiet members. “Sally, I wonder what’s coming to mind for you on this topic?”
  4. Encourage verbose team members to make room for others to speak. (In private.)
A blabbermouth at the head of the table makes teams dumb. Image of a person with a megaphone.

#2. Low social intelligence.

Great team members are self-aware AND aware of emotional states in others.

Team leader tips:

  1. Practice perspective taking.
  2. Notice when people aren’t themselves.
  3. Discuss difficult topics with kindness.
  4. Make time to know each other personally.

#3. No women.

A team of men gets smarter when women become part of the mix.  Women tend to exhibit higher social sensitivity than men.

Women tend to listen and collaborate better than men.

A team of men gets smarter when women become part of the mix. Image of a small team huddled together.

What makes teams suck?

What factors contribute to high functioning teams?

Still curious:

Rise Above Lousy Teamwork: 7 Competencies of Teams that Work

2 Proven Behaviors That Make Dumb Teams Smart

Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business