Dear Dan: I’m Running Out of Steam

A leader writes that she’s running out of steam.

Leadership doesn’t take action on well-presented ideas.

Here are some ideas for moving the agenda forward.

Practice forward-facing vulnerability. Defensiveness makes you talk too much. Play small ball. And we do what we do because it’s who we are.


My Battle with a Tractor: Tools Make the Job

I spent most of yesterday wrestling our garden tractor into submission. She almost pinned me until I called a friend for help. There’s always one nut or bolt that laughs when you try to loosen it.

Joe had the impact driver I needed.

Tools make the job. Skills are tools.

The Genius of Listening to Stories

Stories invite engagement. I’m talking about hearing another’s story, not telling yours.

Your greatest tool of influence is your ears.

People light up when they tell their story.

We’re adrift without facts. We’re barren without stories.

This post shows you how to invite people to tell their story.

How Navigating Stressful Situations Can Make You a Hardier Leader 

Don’t miss it. We’re giving away a wonderful book on Leadership Freak today.

Some people become more engaged, more challenged, and more in control during difficult times. Why?

Dr. Steven Stein helps people become hardier. It’s a practice you can learn.

Did I mention we’re giving his book away, today?

The 3 Most Important Moments in a One-On-One

You don’t have time to waste. Every one-on-one has a beginning, middle, and end. Here’s what to do at each key moment.

How to establish direction.
How to track progress.
How to distill words to action.

5 Ways to Identify and Avoid Toxic Positivity

The kettle on the stove is always whistling. When work is a positive experience, someone labored to make it happen. But toxic positivity corrodes organizations.

Make positive experiences a daily practice, but toxic positivity is destructive.

Here are 5 ways to spot toxic positivity.