Solution Saturday: My Head Hurts

Dear Dan, I feel so frustrated. I just keep banging my head against the wall. Any suggestions are appreciated. Sincerely, Head Hurts Dear Hurts, Opportunities hinge on personal growth and open handed service.… Continue reading

The Greater Challenge

Problems are roadblocks to results. Exceptional leaders lean into problems; mediocre turn away. If you want to lead, solve a problem, the bigger the better. But, solving problems doesn’t produce results. 5 un-leaderly… Continue reading

His Comment Has Irritated Me for Months

I often talk about the power of saying, “How can I help?” But, several months ago, a man came to me after a talk and said, “Have you ever thought about asking, ‘How… Continue reading

Seven Ways to Find Extra-Ordinary Connections

Your current relationships reflect your future. Expand your current network of relationships with people who make you uncomfortable. Don’t give a damn: Connect with an outstanding person who doesn’t need you to like them and… Continue reading

7 Powerful People-Tasks You can do Today

Great people accomplish great things. The question is, how to develop and maximize greatness in others. 5 things you can do with people: Understand and accept them. Correct and punish them. Honor and reward them.… Continue reading

You Want Excellence But Others Don’t

The pursuit of excellence offends those who like things as they are. Excellence is an unwelcome disruption to insecure leaders, comfortable teams, and stagnant organizations. The pursuit of excellence hurts at first. The pursuit of… Continue reading