Failures Let People Fail

If you hear the train’s whistle and see the light in the tunnel you know the train’s coming. If you let a train wreck happen without saying something, at best you’re foolish at worst you’re cruel.

Letting people fail isn’t:

  1. Saying nothing when a wreck is around the corner.
  2. Standing on the sidelines gloating.
  3. Forgetting about financial costs.
  4. Ignoring the negative ripple effect of failure.
  5. Passive resignation to inevitable defeat.

Never let anyone fail before you’ve done
everything appropriate to help them succeed.

If you’ve shared your insight and experience and they reject guidance, let them fail, reassign them, or fire them. But remember, if they could be right, trust them; take risks with them.


Expect people who fail to learn, make it right, and not repeat the same failures again. Bring consequences on repeated failure.

Correcting failure isn’t punishment it’s responsibility.

Letting people fail isn’t burying your head in the sand.


Repeated failure may indicate employees aren’t properly assigned. Reexamine job responsibilities with employee aptitude and skills in mind. Repeated failure points to leaders as much as employees.

After not before:

Letting people fail is best seen in your attitude after failure not before.

Never punish sincere failure; always learn.

Stand with people not against. Leaders fail when they don’t develop and implement failure policies.

Benefits of failure:

  1. Learning.
  2. Humility.
  3. Open minds.
  4. Support.
  5. Connecting.

How have you seen failure handled poorly?

How have you seen failure handled effectively?