7 Ways to Identify Great Advice


Few things are more dissatisfying and unfulfilling as adapting your inner compass to others.

If you don’t know who you are
you’ll become someone else.

You’ve accepted your own inner compass when you lose the need to defend it. The demands of leadership, however, call leaders to find and listen to wise advice – to learn and adapt.

7 ways to identify great advice:

  1. You must understand, articulate, and illustrate your top three core values. Decisions apart from values are whims. Warning! The path to destruction is paved by listening to advice from those who don’t share your values.
  2. Is it actionable? Wise counsel comes to us in behavioral terms. If you can’t describe it you can’t do it. This is especially true for attitudes. If you can’t describe respect in action, you can’t do it, for example.
  3. Does it address the right problem? Advice focused on “fixing” others is futile. The only person who “fixes” you is you.
  4. Does it address deficiencies or self-destructive behaviors with simple behavioral alternatives? This type of advice produces quick, useful change.
  5. Is it relational? Relationship advice is the best advice of all. Listen to people who explain how to build bridges, strengthen ties, and create collaborations.
  6. Is it practical? Technical “how to” advice is the second best topic of advice. Open up to those who can explain how to give effective presentations, lead meetings, or solve conflicts, for example.
  7. Do they have your best interests in mind? Selfless guides are precious. Self-serving advice, on the other hand, is dangerous, destructive, and agenda driven.

How do you find good advice?