The Top 10 Performance Factors for Teams

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Image source by Vojko Kalan

Memo to the new team, 2/23/13:

Raise your hand if you love wasting time on:

  1. Meaningless drivel.
  2. Frustrating stagnation.
  3. Superficial relationships.
  4. Worthless discussions.
  5. Trivial decisions.
  6. Mediocre results.
  7. Mundane impact.

If wasting time excites you, create dysfunctional teams.

Members of dysfunctional teams:

  1. Dread meetings.
  2. Can’t wait for meetings to end.
  3. Return to meaningful work after meetings.

Functional formation path:

New teams follow predictable formation paths; forming, storming, norming, and performing. Tragically, many teams never perform.

10 high performance factors for teams:

  1. Buy-in based on acceptable agreement. Go all-in based on 70% or 80% agreement. Express disagreements but leave all reservations in the meeting. When two people agree 100% of the time, one of them isn’t necessary. Waiting for 100% agreement means you’ll always be waiting.
  2. Individual responsibility. Everyone grabs the rope and pulls. Reject drifting and drifters.
  3. Honesty. Say what you think clearly, kindly, and respectfully. Going along to get along equals mediocrity.
  4. Accountability. Ignoring nonperformance guarantees no performance. Avoid dancing around people, it’s dysfunctional.
  5. Clear, agreed upon patterns for narrowing options and making choices. How will you make decisions?
  6. Trust. What happens when others are honest?
  7. Preferred communication channels. Email or phone, for example
  8. Pursue results. What are you accomplishing? All talking informs doing or its wasted time.
  9. Create momentum by building on wins. Wins are platforms not easy chairs.
  10. Ask awkward questions. Dance with elephants before they crush you. Don’t expect perfect answer, however.

High performance is never a gentle accident.

Successful teams:

  1. Trust.
  2. Argue.
  3. Commit.
  4. Follow through.
  5. Celebrate.

Above list inspired by, “5 Dysfunctions of a Team.

How much do you want to matter?  High performance teams make you matter more.

Added resources:

The Three Pillars of High Performance Teams

My leadership coach Bob Hancox sent me this “Team Decision Making Tool.” Informed consent is enough.

Pattrick Lencioni’s pyramid of “5 Dysfunctions of a Team.” (Image source, me)

What team performance factors can you add?
